
American Christianity’s Slide into Apostasy


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Therefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing; and I will receive you – 2 Corinthians 6:17

Always remember this: If your church is drifting from Biblical Christianity to American Christianity, your church leaders may not even realize it. In all probability they are not purposely leading the church away from God and His Word. The subtle and dangerous deception Satan has mastered along with ignorant but dedicated allies in public education, media, entertainment, and government create a powerful yet subtle deception that is well masqueraded. Unless we are completely immersed and grounded in God’s Word, we may even be deceived into thinking we are serving God when in reality we serve His enemy.

This book is a call to professing Christians to examine their beliefs and actions and to compare them to God’s truth and standards in His Word. It is an attempt to help every professing Christian understand the deception perpetrated by the father of lies that infects both the secular and professing Christian institutions in our nation, such that in the final days one will not be able to distinguish between evil human government and religion. And it is a call for truly born-again, spirit-filled Christians to spot deception and lovingly but firmly confront church leaders who are leading congregations away from true Biblical Christianity.

ISBN 9781622451029
EISBN 9781622451036
Author Michael D. LeMay
Publisher Life Sentence Publishing, Inc.

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