
Concepts of Programming Languages


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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in computer programming.   Evaluating the Fundamentals of Computer Programming Languages Concepts of Computer Programming Languages introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer programming languages and provides them with the tools necessary to evaluate contemporary and future languages. An in-depth discussion of programming language structures, such as syntax and lexical and syntactic analysis, also prepares readers to study compiler design. The Eleventh Edition maintains an up-to-date discussion on the topic with the removal of outdated languages such as Ada and Fortran. The addition of relevant new topics and examples such as reflection and exception handling in Python and Ruby add to the currency of the text. Through a critical analysis of design issues of various program languages, Concepts of Computer Programming Languages teaches programmers the essential differences between computing with specific languages.

ISBN 9780133943023
University Saudi Electronic University
College Computing and Informatics
Department علوم الحاسب
Course Code CS388
EISBN 9780133943061
Author Robert W. Sebesta
Publisher Pearson Education (US)

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