Many controversial issues revolve around complex scientific arguments which can be better understood with at least a minimal knowledge and understanding of the chemical reactions and processes going on in the world around us. This textbook offers an accessible introduction to chemical principles and concepts, and applies them to relevant environmental situations and issues. Written for students who have not taken A' level chemistry, this book bridges the gap between GSCE chemistry and first year undergraduate level.
ISBN | 9780415226004 |
الجامعة | جامعة الإمام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل |
الكلية | الصحة العامة |
التخصص | قسم صحة البيئة |
كود الدورة | صحة البيئة |
EISBN | 9781134589647 |
المؤلف | John Wright |
الناشر | Taylor & Francis |