
Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis


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ملاحظة: هذا المنتج رقمي وسيتم توصيله من خلال البريد الإلكتروني الذي تم إدخاله عند التسجيل في الموقع، حيث ستتلقى رسالة بريد إلكتروني تحتوي رمز المنتج الرقمي الذي ستستخدمه لاحقا للتفعيل بمجرد إتمام الدفع. لتعلم كيفية الحصول على المنتج يرجى الضغط هنا


An integrated approach to understanding the principles of sampling, chemical analysis, and instrumentation

This unique reference focuses on the overall framework and why various methodologies are used in environmental sampling and analysis. An understanding of the underlying theories and principles empowers environmental professionals to select and adapt the proper sampling and analytical protocols for specific contaminants as well as for specific project applications. Covering both field sampling and laboratory analysis, Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis includes:

  • A review of the basic analytical and organic chemistry, statistics, hydrogeology, and environmental regulations relevant to sampling and analysis
  • An overview of the fundamentals of environmental sampling design, sampling techniques, and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) essential to acquire quality environmental data
  • A detailed discussion of: the theories of absorption spectroscopy for qualitative and quantitative environmental analysis; metal analysis using various atomic absorption and emission spectrometric methods; and the instrumental principles of common chromatographic and electrochemical methods
  • An introduction to advanced analytical techniques, including various hyphenated mass spectrometries and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

With real-life case studies that illustrate the principles plus problems and questions at the end of each chapter to solidify understanding, this is a practical, hands-on reference for practitioners and a great textbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in environmental science and engineering.

ISBN 9780471710974
الجامعة جامعة الإمام عبدالرحمن بن فيصل
الكلية العلوم - الدمام
التخصص قسم الكيمياء
كود الدورة الكيمياء
EISBN 9780470120675
المؤلف Chunlong Zhang
الناشر Wiley Global Research (STMS)

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